NA EU JP on the brink of collapse

2000s: East Asia economic slowdown, every bank governor and president/prime minister wants to print money and lower rates. The west (NA EU JP) goes "no you fools! do you want to end like zimbabwe?". And so East Asian countries do not go that route, take the full hit of a recession, and get out stronger.
2020: China is solvant, USA has NaN liabilities. The west at each central bank meeting goes "Hey, how can we stimulate the economy? Let's cut rates and print more money, ye! like a giant money bazooka! boom! boom! baam! wiizzz!".

Inequality at peak levels go figure. The 0.1% that are business owners are richer than ever and the 99.9% left behind.
Interest rates yields are all so low or even negative. Central banks and governments just keep making promises they cannot hold (medical care, free money for millions of migrants, etc), printing more imaginary magical money, buying bonds and stocks, lowering rates even paying people to borrow money (come on...).

The social war has already begun. UK went brexit. There is and was alot of hate towards whites, but they won since they got brexit.
USA same situation, with 1 side trying to get as many people on their side against "priviledged" whites, including white homosexual men and white women (which is ridiculous but it's the only way they don't get overwhelmed), and they try to get as many migrants on their side to outnumber whites (including women if they don't need their numbers anymore).

Since they are all too stupid to figure out where the problem really comes from... Even thought it's just in front of them...
If they spent 15 minutes doing research rather than whine they might find out... Whatever.

It's always the same story... Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over. Times 100²²²².

But you know what? Since the financial crisis institutions in the west have not been buying. Buyers have been households very small (retail), foreign countries but less and less, central banks with QE, and by VERY far the biggest buyers have been psychopath CEOs with buybacks, simply using all of a company profit to raise their salaries and give themselves bonusses as well as to directors, and what is left goes to pumping prices, and absolutely nothing goes to workers.

Big pension fund managers don't know what to do. Everything is in a bubble, and the most scary part is, the biggest market there is, the no risk market (fixed income) is not worth anything.
Word on the street is more and more big money managers are seriously considering withdrawing their clients money and holding physical notes in a bank vault.
When this starts. Oh my. They can lower rates as much as they want it's over. At the same time, money managers are desperate. The bubble can pop and go to another bubble, maybe gold + housing + bank run... Already started thought.

Ye I think this could be the tiping point.

If I get a nice double top on the DAX this is what I would like to short:

Cute attempt by Satoshi btw.
With Bitcoin at that point the question is not "will it go to zero", but rather "will it go to negative prices".

Notice how innexistant financial interest in bitcoin has been EVEN THOUGHT THEY BECOME DESPERATE.
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