Connected some of the tops & bottoms for Dow from 1896 to today on Logarithmic chart.

The orange trendline connects the tops from 1929 and Dot com bubble in 2000. Looks like Dow crossed above that trend line during Covid's market boom (may be due to advance of Tech & future potential), and we tested that orange trendline from the upside as support in Feb/Mar 2022. Let's see what the future might hold. May be we got back to those purple trendines down below through sideways price action (e.g. from 2000 to 2012) or may be we stay above the orange trendline to go higher?

Also, we can see that the uptrend from 1980 to 2022, depicted by the steepest purple line, has been steeper than the general uptrend from 1896 to around 1980, as depicted by the bottommost purple line. So, if that trend continues what are we gonna see? And if the market goes sideways instead of going up, when do we break the steep purple trend line? Possibly within the next 4 or so years. And if we stay above that steep purple line, when does Dow hit 100k?

Trend Lines
