About income inequality

By MrRenev
Ah, the great nations of Ethiopia and Afghanistan.

Since very low income inequality is, according the far left, the absolute peak of human development, then we can all agree that Kazakhstan, Ethiopia, Afghanistan are among the most prosperous nations of the planet, absolute powerhouses!

Every single country that tried "equality" has failed utterly. The ones that lasted longest were those with fossil fuels, and the ones that today can make it work are countries with fossil fuels (Norway...).
Sweden is not a complete failed state, this is the socialists of america main point. They have only been socialists for 10 years LOL.
Sweden is not a complete failed state YET. They have already began to decline and they barely just started with socialism...

On the other side, things are not better. The most inequal countries are in latin america and sub equatorial africa. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2014_Gini_Index_World_Map,_income_inequality_distribution_by_country_per_World_Bank.svg indexmundi.com/facts/indicators/SI.POV.GINI/rankings)

Here is the top 10:

You may be aware of the growing popularity of the far right in South Africa (that openly talked of killing all whites).

Who are these top 10% in most of those countries? Well that's easy. The ruling class and the ones holding the guns.
As long as the military are well armed and well paid, the rulers can keep taking everything for themselves...
Great places. But they are idiots. They keep 99% of the pie. But the pie is tiny. Not worth it.

The USA, with their current culture of overpaying CEOs, giving them golden parachutes, paying the shareholders and ignoring the workers, short term profit more more moar, are drifting towards that extreme inequality... Long term is NOT bullish.

The answer of the people of America was voting for Trump in 2016, and nearly having Bernie Sanders run for president on the left (Hilary barely beat him ~55% to ~45%). And things have gotten way worse. And until the USA goes back closer to the center things will just keep getting worse.
The right is blaming foreign nations & illegal migrants, the left is blaming straight white men. Both are (obviously) wrong and stupid. Apes.

Sweden, or some call it Swedistan, are the generational short at the moment, until something changes... I think the far right is on the rise there, maybe they jump to the other extreme. But I doubt it. Long term outlook is "it's going to ZERO", keep an eye on politics there. A change of mentality can change things very rapidely. When Germany went full fascist in the 1930s their currency and economy recovered faster than you could say "why is the margin clerk calling me".
Of course we all know what happened after that initial short term relief euphoria.

Turkey is in a downtrend and have high inequality but I am not sure about the situation there. I want to see what happens after Erdogan.
Maybe same as Venezuela after Chavez? XD RIP.

It seems logical to me that the perfect situation is in the center, but even if this is not obvious enough, history has shown that this was the most prosperous environment.
Economists agree that inequality is good, and necessary. Anyway, how is the guy that puts groceries in bags getting rewarded the same as Henry Ford fair? Lmao.

It does not matter if you agree or disagree with politics, really hate the far right NAZI and do not want their economy to go well (short term).
If you ignore facts and numbers the margin clerk will call you regardless of your views ;)
The GINI coefficient for income is somewhere around 0.48.
The GINI coefficient for wealth is 80 according to Allianz! (I guess this corresponds to 0.8-0.9?).
More than this according to other sources.

Numbers change from source to source which is a little anoying, but we can see if they went up or down and by how much, and what matters are comparing countries and comparing time periods.

What people see as ideal for the wealth GINI is 0.30.

The income GINI of the US in the 60s and 70s was around 0.38 to 0.42.

Japan is at 32 but their debt is huge and population aging and troll rates also...

I think there is a number to look for when investing long term. Not too high not too low.
0.40 is probably very good.

Around 1% of the population are psycopaths.
1 in 5 CEOs are psycopaths, same numbers as inmates.

The country is being run by NUTCASES with ZERO empathy & no care for the long term or the USA.

THIS is the problem!

NOT white men.
NOT successful people.
NOT capitalism.

Abhorrent, greedy, backstabbing self-appointed CEOs with a board of directors made of CEOs & friends are!
Ah ye and Gini during the late 20s was at 0.5, we are getting there.
If things keep getting worse we'll be there... in... the 20s... tada!
Might as well copy what I said in a comment in an update:

I think it's more because of the 90% getting poorer. All the golden parachutes etc. It's like the 1920s 1930s all over.
People look for strong figures in those times, it is naturally in them, this is explained in a new field called biohistory I recommend checking it.
And ye strong figures mean more extremism.
Of course, with 30% of the population getting into debt just to live, people are looking for someone to blame, and honestly they are not very bright, so the usual suspects are :
- White men
- Jews/the banks
- Other countries
- Migrants
- Intellectuals
- The lords & monarchs
- CEOs/Executives/Landlords
- What else? I think that about covers it all

People have been blaming "easy" targets for so long, and of course it wasn't the reason.

If you check biohistory youtube videos, well here you can compare to the examples of gibons that are aggressive with people invading their space, because they have limited ressources.
The 90% effetively have limited ressources since prices went way up but salaries barely did and they now live paycheck to paycheck, so their instinct pushes them to do all of this.

And it can go far! They will MURDER millions if they think they are using up their limited ressources. Has happened countless times (Most famous ones are Soviet Union, NAZI germany, Socialist China).
California Governor Blames Texas For California's Policies That Caused The Homeless Crisis.

Newsom said many homeless people on the streets of San Francisco are from Texas in an attempt to shift the blame from himself and the polices of socialists (who get rich peddling socialism to the masses as everyone else becomes impoverished.)


California is in the top 5 of most inequal US states.
And in the list of fastest growing income inequality it is number 2 but really number 1 since the nb 1 is some empty square state + its one of the least inequal.

Well that's according to CNBC...
Other sources say more or less the same.

Anyway... Good, Good.

Tensions between "federal" politicians in the left and the right
Tensions between states populations
Tensions between liberals and conservatives
Now, tensions between states governments.

Good, good, let the hate flow through you.

Doesn't take much more for them to hate them so much they seceede.
California + the 2 random states north of it are separated from the rest of the US by mountains, and joined much later, they were not a part of the union for the most important moments of its history. I have no idea why they even are a part of it.

If all the tentacular tech giants stay in california and it splits from the USA, they won't have a monopoly anymore and won't be able to dictate the world what they want...

If California and the 2 pointless states no one cares about north of it make their own country, they would have a population of 50 million (France and the UK have 67 million, Germany 83 million, Italy 60 million, small european countries have typically 10-20 MM), and it would be in the top 10 of world biggest economies.

So it would not be crazy.
* Geographically separated from the rest of the USA
* Do not share the same history/different roots
* Different culture
* Different views
* Big economy
* Big population, makes it an average sized country (45% bigger than Canada)
* Lots of arable land
* Lots of sea (has the whole pacific to itself)

Would have its own stock market perhaps? Can we get a new separate stock market, more opportunities, and less correlation? Yes please!
Beyond Technical AnalysisdepressioneconomyginiincomeinequalityrecessionUSDSEKUSDTRYusstocks

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