DOW Jones TA look

Now I’m not saying we aren’t going to go higher due to the new tax laws as well as the lessened regulations for businesses. However, the current RSI is at an all time high. Now that it’s at an all time high, it’s important to understand that this means buying is significantly taking place more than selling is, driving price way up throughout the whole market. Once the big market movers/hedge funds, run statistical models that illustrate most stocks have surpassed the value they estimate they’re worth, we will see a massive correction. Now this could happen next month, this summer, or even end of the year, but if there is no major correction soon we will see a very large recession while the market catches back up. Now very important, don’t go and sell everything after reading this! I just wanted to bring this info to everyone’s attention! I could be totally wrong, but I’m just basing this off of historical trends. Happy trading!
