A new world order for a safe and secure society

Russia bailed us out in 1941-1945. What am I saying.
Germany invaded Poland then UK & France declared war on it. After decades of tension and hating each other.

USA has no tension with west europe. USA is massive, literally it's a whole continent, and USA has tensions with USA.

Plus the extremes all love Europe and the far left think it is heaven on earth why would they nuke us? Well this can change especially if we get overwhelmed with migrants.

I don't want to be over optimistic but I think we'll just chill while certain states fight over states OR groups fight each other I don't know we will see.
Or at least have time to flee to Switzerland or Tunisia and good luck Europe with WW2 cya 😜

The Credit Crisis of 1772 led to the US revolution in 1775. France had issues and then revolution there happened in 1789.

The great depression of 1929 led to WW2 in 1939.

The long depression lasted 1873–1879 and was called the great depression until 1929. I guess the great depression will get a new name soon 😂

Panic of 1857, a U.S. recession with bank failures
Panic of 1866, was an international financial downturn that accompanied the failure of Overend, Gurney and Company in London
1861-1865: US civil war. Meh idk.

There will be a big paradigm shift and it will come with violence.

Above the government there is the law.
Above the law there is the constitution.
Above the constitution there is violence.
Above violence there is idk god or the universe or something. Well first comes time, then above time the fabric of the universe then above that we don't really know but at some point god I guess. Also above violence there are agriculture and supply lines but let's stop here.

I think someone said this "Violence is the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived."

Repulicans and Democrats still bickering, but at least Obama (who certainly is not a "true black" by now) has spoken out against the riots.
He's been pushing back against the far left alot these past years.

Are the anarchists, antifa, and blm that dangerous? They pissed themselves when they saw "all these damn racist white people with huge guns" in suburbs.

Anyway, big war or not, big change. There will be more tensions, more change, more blood. Can't tell how much there will be of each, but they'll be some for sure.

This mega depression will provide us with some cheap stocks in foreign markets. The US and India are sooo expensive and I prob avoid them both, not so sure after that, there are alot of possibilities, we'll see who will be healthier in the next few years there is time.

A couple quotes from the 2020 riots:


Hollywood is paying to bail out rioters, and encouraging them. With a few exceptions such as quoted James Woods.
The average actor is a complete moron that drives directors mad, Lenin used to call them "useful idiots".
James Woods has a reported IQ of 180. Probably a coincidence, and IQ does not mean anything. Unless you want to solve a math problem. Or new tech. Or to land on Mars. Or a vaccine. Or...

Michael j Burry famous for predicting the trash securities crisis which had a movie made about, is quoting statistics and saying there is not a big racism problem.
Or not as big as claimed. It's always the same people agreeing about the same stuff...

A rifle for protecting the streets/neighbourhood. A shotgun for protecting one's home. A handgun in case. Some food & water to get throught a curfew/cut supply lines.

So much traces left behind. So much irrational behavior. Historians are going to love this.

Can't link old ideas for some reason.
The end of an ERA

A long depression, the rise of facism, a new Kondratiev cycle

Worry not citizen, keep buying

Gee I saw some blood but just saw an old back man that took an antifa spear in the shoulder while he was driving. GEEEEEE.
More black people got hurt during this "protest for black lives" than in the past 5 years by police. So dumb.
Counting those that got their business destroyed it's off the chart. Community destroyed? Even worse.
Obama gave taxpayer money to Soros!
Oh for the love... No this is too much now.
WW3 will be lit.

It keeps escalating, more and more people getting openly racist or antisemitic or just anti NWO.

Delusional brainwashed clowns and kneeling and begging for forgiveness to blacks, people are lying on the floor like cults... man what am I typing... future generations won't believe what they read about 2020 in history books.

We should get people off the opoid that is coffee, and other drugs that make people go bonkers as well, and de-urbanize.

They called me an ultra negative permabear. Soon they'll call me overly optimistic.

Hilarous trolls are still saying there won't be a great depression.
I can't wait to watch the next Powell speech or interview.

The Sergeants Benevolent Association saying they totally lost control of New York, that their soldiers are tired, about to break.

The media speaking of an "uprising" and encouraging all of this.
People that are usually very polite you'd never imagine them insulting anyone are saying "f y a all" and using a whole lot the R word.
They're becoming more like me 😍. No need to hide behind a mask, let the natural come out.
R words in Europe are breaking up stuff, their reptilian brains are getting all excited over what's going on in the USA but they don't seem to understand west Europe is not the USA, or how to spell their own names.

Videos of black people rioting, looting, killing people, killing puppies, puppies! I am sure this will help decrease racism.
Black people posting videos of them threatening and laughing about raiding "dem rich white hoods", I don't get it, they actually expect to win?
I guess we'll soon have hundreds of dead "gangstas" bodies lying in the street. Never seen anyone that delusional.
And then extreme outrage of course, with as only outcome: full blown civil war.
"Get Trump out at any cost", wow they really meant that.

Stock market still rallying. This is why price action is important. Tells you what dum dums are doing.
And it just shows there is no need to rush, to try to hide what you are doing from others.
We all know about the riots and gdp contraction, we all can understand there will be a depression.
Sure there can be a depression without a stock market crash if the banks sole goal is to "keep number up",
but it's likely it all crashes and burns, every one knows that, and yet, with every one having access to the 1929 chart,
every one waiting for it for decades, THERE ARE STILL MORONS BUYING! That is incredible.

There is going to be one hell of a wealth transfer.


The next FED meeting + Summary of Economic Projections is the 9-10 June. 7 days to christmas.

Both sides have their strength... The outcome depends on alot of factors but mainly what will the army do and how will foreign nations be involved (if it goes that far)?
France would side with the ones that control the narrative for sure, but they are irrelevant this is not 1775. Canada and Mexico are important, I doubt other really far countries would do much.
The blue side could invite south americans in promising them free stuff and use them as human shields. Distract the other side and make them look bad for killing so many poor refugees. Not sure what idiot would come but nothing surprises me anymore, people stupidity has no boundary.


You know there is something wrong when an uprising is pushed by a guy that wants to "control the population with vaccines" and another one is literally a NAZI that didn't go to Nuremberg and "doesn't care how much pain a country gets my only goal is to make as much money as I can" and another is a droid from star trek.
Every one should upvote going bald for BLM posts because it's too funny not to, just watching all these absolute cretins shave their heads lmao.
It's also getting scary, the sheep are basically doing anything they're asked too...
Very dangerous. If the ones pulling the strings make calls for genocide they will do it.

There is no limit. Eradicate all life on earth, they'd do it.
I wish I started making money earlier and already had my bunker... I'd like to thanks my parents and teachers for forcing me to go to school till I was 24.
"For your own good you can do what you want after that".

Big lesson to be learned here about sheep...
Just might have to go full oligarch master manipulator...
depressionriotsTrend AnalysisUSA

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