Polkadot possible scenarios

By Romaxo
Polkadot super bullish in ultima saptamana . In grafic am identificat un canal de trend pozitiv ,alcatuita din cele doua linii de trend ascendente paralele.
In grafic avem si doua triunghiuri simetrice , care reprezinta o pauza a trendului ascendent dupa care acesta teoretic ar trebui sa continue.

Scenariul negativ .
Daca volumul scade, iar pe graficul zilnic vom avea candela rosie sub noul suport ,ne putem astepta ca pretul sa revina in jurul zonei 14,30-12,70 $

Ce parere aveti ?

Polkadot is super bullish in the last week. In the chart we identified a positive trend channel, made up of the two parallel upward trend lines.
In the graph we also have two symmetrical triangles, which represent a pause of the ascending trend after which it should theoretically continue.

The negative scenario.
If the volume decreases, and on the daily chart we will have the red candle under the new support, we can expect the price to return around the area $ 14.30-12.70

What do you think about this chart ?
DOTUSDTpolkadotTrend Analysis
