DUK and XEL have a 84,3% correlation over 60 market days.

Applying some of the most popular indicators on the pair DUK/XEL shows an interesting pattern. While XEL has been clearly outperforming DUK since several weeks, a trend reversal seems to occur. DUK might catch up in the coming days and weeks. The daily and the weekly RSI (1st indicator at the top "Ultimate RSI Multi Timeframe"), the Wave Trend Oscillator (2nd one) and the ultimate MACD oscillator (3rd one from the top) reversed recently from their lower ranges. The Squeeze Momentum Indicator (at the bottom) shows a nice divergence, which is also observable on the RSI .

The setup is worth being given a shot: Short XEL, Long DUK . The strategy is market-neutral and is profitable when DUK starts to outperform XEL.

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