DXY Post Analysis

Not that I have too many views on these posts nor do I post very frequently - But my recent post regarding the dollar index has been a hit so far in terms of accuracy and precision with what the market has currently done. Irrespective of any of the news related movers, price has done as planned. Those who read my previous post about the DXY will have seen this slow trade pan out and a 200 tick profit sitting unrealised in the bank.
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As described before, the Monthly Flow Block has held the market from trading higher and kept the anchors firmly gripped as bears have a hold of the dollar. Not so long ago, everyone was worried about dollar liquidity (or lack of I should say) and were piling into dollars for a fight to quality and battling it out (at the highs I might add) to get those longs on.

The Smart Money Traders would have quickly realised the money to be made was on the downside and those who paid attention to my previous post would have also hopefully taken shorts against the dollar and profited nicely.

Beyond Technical AnalysisdollarindexeasymoneyHAHAmarketmakerpriceactionsmartmoney
