USD Index.. the death cross 09 Jan 2023

The death cross is a chart pattern that indicates the transition from a bull market to a bear market. This technical indicator occurs when a security's short-term moving average (e.g., 50-day) crosses from above to below a long-term moving average (e.g., 200-day).

Nothing is 100% in trading, so you should not blindly trade this indication. Like all forex charts, this also does not mean that the USD will move down in a straight line, there will be peaks and valleys. But this chart does tell us that that the USD will continue to weaken over time. This means that our trading for the next few months should be that we hold a bearish USD bias in any pair that we trade.

Always use sound money and risk management and stay patient in all your trades.
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Trade active
Price Action unfolded as expected, so happy with this idea so far. I expect this bearish bias to continue for several months.
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