
EMC2/USD 1W Chart Long.

By bwymore
On the weekly it appears we may have bottomed and been riding a support. We are currently at $0.14 all the way down from $3. Tons of room to grow.

Like other alts, I imagine this one will also see large gains before too long.

The only potential issue I see atm that we really need to breakout of is the EMC2 / BTC chart. We are more or less at a resistance that has held for some time. If we break above it hopefully we get back up in the dollars range instead of cents again. Will link BTC pair resistance line in a moment in updates to this chart.
See other charts in comments. Posted there because phone app wouldn't let me "update" idea
Up to $0.20 already snapshot
If we can get above 450 sat range and above resistance we should end up heavy in profits snapshot
Chart Patternseinsteiniumemc2EMC2BTCEMC2USDTrend Analysis
