EOG still seems in uptrend...

By bas70seven
Despite the down move, EOG still seems in an uptrend (RSI moves between 40 and 80 and higher low). Price dipped below 40 at a previous demand level. Price is at a supply level now and needs to break that supply level to move higher. Divergence is suggesting a higher price move.

First target is 2.88. We'll see how this works out...If price breaks 2.95 we should see a higher price.

On the contrary... if price breaks the previous demand level, we might see a drop in price and a close of the gap at 1.15

I am long and this is my point of view, but I can be be totally wrong of course...
Trade closed manually
Took enough profit out when the price was 2.88. Closed the position after todays new release. The gap if filled, but there is still a small gap at 0.85 which also seems to be at a support level. I'm keep an eye on the share price before I step in again.
Trend Analysis
