Q: Does Wild Theory always work? Are there always patterns to spot and follow?
A: Wild Theory does NOT always work as intended. It seems to ‘touch down and lift off’ in various key areas of a live chart… much like how a tornado descends from the clouds, runs it path and goes back into the clouds. (strictly an analogy)
Q: Will an apparent pattern go to completion when repeating a previous historical movement?
A: That partly depends on current sentiment (market news) and world events that are relevant to active crypto players. It also partly depends on TA at those given moments. Wild Theory is the ATTEMPT to manipulate price movement. It does not always go as planned, because they are also betting on market psychology. It is more than just forced whale movements and other shenanigans. On the other hand, their agenda might be to start one pattern, then abandon it at a certain point to start another. I would call this strategic maneuvering and flexible planning.
Q: Where is Wild Theory most likely to fail?
A: I have seen Wild Theory set the bulls up for a run… their real-world timing was incredible... and then the bulls fumbled the ball. I know this because I predicted what TEAM EVIL would do in advance... watched them do it… and then saw the outcome sputter.
Q: How do I include the accepted and approved TA methods along with Wild Theory?
A: Do your own TA. Seek out other people’s TA. Consider the market sentiment and other indicators as your 'bias' to plan what might happen next. Place more weight to a TA chart forecast that matches the current sentiment. Finally, before you make your play to buy or sell (or do nothing)… isolate the wild theory pattern that seems to be manipulated against its mirror pattern. Take a guess on how closely it fits the current resistance and support areas… because those are you stops... if even brief. Measure the drops in the past historical mirror patterns and come up with dollar numbers. Those might be the amount of dollars gained or lost for the next trade. Next, consider the probability of a Wild Theory pattern presiding over the normal TA for that moment in time. Imagine what the manipulators desired outcome will be... and if correct, you should NAIL it.