Eth continuation prediction

By stanperry
blah blah blah look at the chart

Day Trading/Short term vs. Long Term Investing
Day trading high risk

Your not going to win all your trades… (important) 40% losses is a W… at the same amount if you trade 100 times if 60 are in the green your a W trader.

If you loose on a trading strategy the first time doesnt mean its a bad stataegy.

Journal your trades … (fastest way to learn)

Long term investing lower risk. When holding a trade long term you want to think are you willing to hold this for 10 years.

What Is Risk Tolerance? Risk tolerance is the degree of risk that an investor is willing to endure given the volatility in the value of an investment. An important component in investing, risk tolerance often determines the type and amount of investments that an individual chooses.

ETHTrend Analysis
