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Crypto opinion leaders have taken a more cautious approach to publicity since the collapse of crypto exchange FTX last year, with several celebrities facing class action lawsuits over their alleged roles in promoting FTX. Some influencers say this has sounded alarm bells, and those who support crypto companies need to understand that if the company turns negative in the future, its followers may take legal action against them.
Crypto vlogger Tiffany Fong previously gained a lot of fame for interviewing SBF, but currently she is not interested in supporting crypto companies on social media. “Since many once-reputable companies have gone out of business, I don’t want to promote anything that might sway customers,” Fong said.
Fong admits she receives many invitations, but she does not respond to most of them because she believes the risk outweighs the reward. Several other KOLs expressed similar views.
