ETH - Ethereum Analogue

By HK_L61
Ethereum's Co-Founder - Anthony Di Lorio intends to divest his interests in DeFi and Crypto.

DL was a pioneer, the settlers are moving on his stake in advance.

DeFi has a promising Future in our humble opinion - with 1.72 Billion people on this blue ball
spinning through space and time - there is opportunity, far greater than is being realized by
most of Humanity.

Elon Musk, like or dislike him... is immaterial, he is an Opportunist above all else.

He is positioning for DeFi with StarLink, bringing remote potential participants into a fold
of his own design. For now the appearance is one of access for remote users.

The larger goal is one of bringing disparate peoples outside the "Systems" into them.

Traditional financial infrastructure lacks the ability to "Service" this opportunity space.
Clearly, it offers far more control as well.

A centralized control, limited access, inefficiency, lack of interoperability, and opacity all
beg for a solution to this immense opportunity outside convention.

Perhaps convention itself will be turned on its head.

We firmly believe it will as the next crisis unfolds.

Movements are glacial in nature. Positioning takes years if not decades. These undercurrents
are being advanced under the radar of Humanity.

They are extreme in their significance.

The above Chart indicated a Price Objective @ ~ $500.00. Mean reversion appears to be in
continuing and should easily provide outsized gains as the Sphere of DeFi unfolds.

Patience will be rewarded with vast Gains in the future.
Chart PatternsDEFIETHFundamental AnalysisstarlinkTrend Analysis
