As you know today (Thursday, 15 September 2022) was the biggest Crypto event since Satoshi Nakamoto introduced and released Bitcoin to the world with the PoW mining technology...
It was the Ethereum merge where it has now changed from PoW (Proof of Work) to PoS (Proof of Stake).
This is similar to moving from the barter way of doing business to the banking way.
Less labour, less mining, less fuss, less strain, less primitive ways, less environmental harm...
However, as I mentioned in the video last week, I believe the move was already priced in and so we didn't expect fireworks on this side...
Right now, we can Ethereum is down -2.2%, which isn't a shock either.
All the bulls (excited buyers) are scared that Ethereum hasn't flown by now and are exiting positions because they are worried of a market collapse.
This once again proves that markets are NOT predictable and are not as easy as you think, no matter what good news comes out...
In saying that, I will remain an optimistic bull in the medium to long term because of where I expect the ETH technology to go.
Not just for investments but for many applications to life and business including:
Smart contracts
Business transactions
Voting and tallying
Gaming and e-commerce
NFTs and e-gaming
and the list goes on...
Congratulations to CEO, Vitalik and the team for a successful merge and soon it will be upwards and onwards...
But maybe not today...
I will be a BIG buyer and investor of Ethereum when it breaches around $2,000.
In the meantime, I am long (buyer) but just with a few ETH CFDs.
#ethereum #EthereumMerge #ethereumnews #ethereumcoin #ethereumwallet