Ethereum (ETHUSDT) (1W)

Below the technical analysis of ETHUSDT
Timeframe: 1 week
The main supports and resistances are indicated in the idea: the purple one is the most important.
A trendline starts from the green support: if this were to be invalidated by touching 1500-1600, a negative scenario would open up in the short term for ethereum.
The narratives on spot ETFs on eth that will exist between now and May could help ethereum rise towards the $3000 threshold, where the blue resistance starts.
In a hypothetical bullish cycle (probably just starting) ethereum could easily break the light green zone at the top and could see new highs as early as next year.
Today marketcap: 270B
ETFETHEthereum (Cryptocurrency)ITASupport and ResistanceTrend AnalysisTrend Lines
