
ETP, a nice one for diversified portfolios

You're probably seen that BITFINEX:ETPUSD / Metaverse, has returned to the spotlight with solid growth today. This is a BAAS (blockchain as a service) company based in China. It is active in the same space as NEO and ETH. Website is at mvs.org/
More info from Michael @ boxmining is here: boxmining.com/metaverse-etp-nutshell/
Forbes: forbes.com/sites/sarahsu/2017/07/25/this-chinese-company-is-trying-to-build-the-worlds-leading-blockchain-platform/

What makes this an interesting speculative investment is that there only are 100 million tokens total, meaning that if it is taken up to any degree, the tokens will appreciate rapidly. BITFINEX:ETPUSD heavily suffered from the drop in confidence as bitcoin retraced last month, but it has a fundamentally sound story and should see further growth in the short term.

The all time high was $6 which I believe is in reach again short-term. I'm not going to make any long term guesses but let's just say I wish I had placed a buy order at $1.5 last month.
BITCOIN BLUES: this area appears on most of my long term charts to show where the december 2017 drop in bitcoin was.
Fundamental Analysis
