A composite view of Yet Crosses - SHORT

By Cadman10
Composite Yen crosses provide an interesting way to look at the unfolding Yen scenario.
I'm applying my own ARS Gann Lines here along with fib-circles for timing and a fan for slope...

The Gann -45deg ( dashed yellow ) and -90 deg lines ( dashed red) provide targeting guidance for major moves to come.
The equations use square root values plus or minus the required angles. Any angle can be calculated, but the cardinal angles have the strongest influence, so I use 45,90,135,180...

Each line is calculated as: Y = [ sqrt(X) + or - (angle/180) ]^2 Once scaled for the instrument it shows related ratios of the seed value. The harmonic range of the seed value is plotted for each angle, 8 above and 8 below the seed value.
Zoom out on this chart to see how it fits this composite instrument.

Additionally the TV Elliott Wave tool shows a complete 5 wave move to the upside and Fib analysis shows the present high is 3 X wave 1. And the current top is also a prime number!

Will you Short the Yen next week?
compositefibtimeGannGann Fanyen
