Bad apocalyptic news N°19

By MrRenev
You get 7 this time. The last one is sort of an idea of its own, a delicious dessert. I'll try keeping it rather short and get to the point, just lay out the facts and maybe add a little bit of satisfactory gloating here and there.

> Reports of Interactive Brokers freezing some clients accounts for months with no comm since they got fined by FINRA 🔨

Sad clients are mad their money is stuck and they are not getting any news.
The prime brokerage got fined a while ago for not enforcing anti laundering laws harshly enough, so now they are very serious about it.
Clients are finding their accounts stuck for months. They are complaining on forums and social networks.
Haha if I move there I'll send a little bit of money and make sure everything works fine before committing anything serious.
Once central banks have their pyramid scheme crypto they can control everything and this kind of stuff won't happen anymore?

> Warren Buffett's deputy reveals 6% stake in Dillard's stock: brainless sheep rush in and the stock rallies 46% right after 🐑

Greedy mouth breathing bottom chasers & sheep hedge funds (got an idea about those coming tomorrow or soon) reptilian brain fired full power here.
According to Robintrack... Well I think you already know what I will say 😆 Haha I love these kids. The company posted bad results and the share price crashed, dum dums bought, and since it barely went up they started aggressively selling to breakeven. I laughed my lungs out but I am tired of typing the same thing over and over.

Buffett deputy doing pump and dumps now.
Warren Buffett tells people to buy strong companies cut their losses and hold their winners no one bats an eye.
Warren Buffett goes "hey look at this dead bag down 90% I think they might bounce back" people fight each other to buy like they fought for toilet paper in '20.
Noobs have been using Buffett "long term" quotes as an excuse for decades to justify holding worthless bags and buying very sad companies in big trouble.

There is really not much competition in this business these days... All the smart people are doing stat arb and abusing dumb day gamblers, the medium term (1 week - 1 year) are mindless sheep... And the only people holding for years are lazy and mindless passive index bagholders that are about to learn a valuable lesson (even less than 1 year potentially).


> 2007 flashbacks: IMF warns the bank sector is likely to be tested, and warns of permanent economic damage from covid ☄️

So they dropped the expression "warns of risks", it was getting absolutely ridiculous even brain damaging to ctrl-f one of their reports and find the sentence "warns of risk" 780 times 😆.
They're not even pretending anymore, we're at the stage where they are basically telling everyone it is a good time to panic.
The plebes have no idea but they will learn soon enough, the lesson will be very memorable to them even 🙃
The World Bank said up to 150 million more people may be pushed into extreme poverty by 2021 => "wE hAvE to SAve LivES"
The IMF mentioned a debt crisis, a surprising evaporation of liquidity in the US treasury market.

A couple of quotes:
"Some pre-existing financial vulnerabilities are now intensifying, representing potential headwinds to the recovery"
"The increased links between corporates, banks, and non-bank financial institutions imply that – at some point- fragilities could spread through the entire financial system"
"This is the worst crisis since the Great Depression, and it will take significant innovation on the policy front, at both the national and international levels, to recover from this calamity" - This should not be making me happy right?
"The ascent out of this calamity is likely to be long, uneven, and highly uncertain"

If you want more you can go to their site and check their Global Financial Stability Report and their recent World Economic Outlook.

>  Libyan governor warns Oil revenue has dropped to nothing & economic collapse is near. His words "bullet in the head" ☄️

Libya is one of many Oil countries that is going to end up blowing up. It was already in bad shape since Obama "brought democracy" there.
If you thought ISIS & a few Libyan knife attackers were bad BOY DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU.

bUt wE hAd tO sAvE LivEs. We didn't even save anything. A few grandpas with a foot in the grave that were going to die in the next 12 months died a bit earlier. Sorry to anyone that lost someone but we all know this happens eventually. If you think this is bad then just wait till the world collapses into a massive world civil war with "diverse" countries just burning to the ground. Gosh what a mess.

Algeria has almost no cash reserves. We'll just print money to send them. But money isn't stuff. And so the whole world will feel the weight of the "help". You heard of the beefsteak nazi? They were the many communists and antifa "peaceful protestors" that joined the SA (brownshirt), the NSDAP paramilitary branch: Brown on the outside, red on the inside. I doubt many know this. I doubt many know Goebbels the ravenous anti-semite started as a Marxist. Man Goebbels hated jews so much even Himmler went "wtf man". There are videos of Joe where he is so angry about the jewish capitalist media he shakes.

Dammit I was on my way to get rich and NOW is when they are going to massively raise the taxes on the rich. Extreme bad luck to compensate for far above average foresight and intelligence I guess 🤷‍♂️
I don't even care about the money I just want to be number 1. Zzzz. They don't tax boxing belts or stupid video games elo...
Taxing the rich will make sure dum dums are less angry, but it makes zero difference in PP/poverty. It is just to pay the bankers that hold all this debt.
Let's tax productive people rather than deprive passive oligarch bankers of their profit.

Those idiotic politicians are going to mess up this so much... Like they do with everything... Like pressure from socialist banana republics and other broke dead oil countries wasn't enough. I can't wait for january 2021 the nwo is going to be so stupid they are going to come up with the worst ideas at the worst time.

I need to make a list of countries I can go to. Lay low for a while while the 1000 diverse tribes of Europe kill each other.

> Brrrrr: G7 central banks agree on a set of common principles around their bank-issued Bitcoin inspired pyramid scheme 🖨️

The BIS + G7 banks have set a framework for a digital currency to work in conjunction with paper money.

"While technology is changing the way we pay, central banks have a duty to safeguard people's trust in our money"

"Central banks must complement their domestic efforts with close cooperation to guide the exploration of central bank digital currencies to identify reliable principles and encourage innovation"

Haven't they done enough already?

> WHO: "We’ve learned" (glad they admit they were wrong and I was right), no lockdown. US dems go "lalala can't hear you" 😏

The World Bank said up to 150 million more people may be pushed into extreme poverty by 2021
I. WAS. RIGHT. AGAIN. AS. ALWAYS. I got flamed. My idea got banned. People raged at me. And I was right. As I always was.
Called the top of covid. Called the near zero deaths of the "second wave". Called the economic misery it would create. Called the 360 they would make "lockdown was bad after all".
I knew everything well in advance, I was right about everything as I always am. Anyone got anything to say? I was right all along about everything and in every detail. I am much smarter than all of these clown "experts".

Ye whatever it's all in the title, no point for me to add further comments...
Can read more, duckduckgo is your friend.

> OMG: A research paper finds that - you ready? - central bankers are biased on QE by career concerns, imagine my surprise 🖨️

"To assess the inherent conflict of interest[...]. We find that central bank papers report larger effects of QE on output and inflation. Central bankers are also more likely to report significant effects of QE on output and to use more positive language in the abstract. Central bankers who report larger QE effects on output experience more favorable career outcomes. A survey of central banks reveals substantial involvement of bank management in research production."

Just like with scientists, politicians, and well everything I guess. Society rewards the spineless and punishes strong men. "Good times make..."
Same as with hedge funds. They are all sheep. They are rewarded for being sheep.
Honestly if you are smart it's not that hard to get decent returns... Almost all professionals are not even trying.

Science is so messed up and I just stopped believing in it. It has become so BS, so absurd, so sensationalistic. It's really dumb.

This is an endless loop that feeds on itself and keeps growing: bad central bankers get promoted in turn they help make bad central bankers (bad influence) and among those bad central bankers the worst ones get promoted... And you end up with an absolute pyramid scheme and idiots that have decided to print infinite money not even exaggerating they said it whatever it takes they will keep printing.

The USA are done. No more reserve currency. They are going to end up with communism or fascism, a big civil war. I wish Euro politicians were less stupid and built their military. They are cluelessly relaxing and leaning on the USA to protect them, but who will protect them from the USA?
It's like "No weapons = no war and no pain" ye tell that to 6 million jews, tell that to the Moriori. Who are the Moriori? Exactly.

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