EUR/USD possible short from 1.12000

My analysis for EUR/USD (EU) this week is similar to GBP/USD (GU). The pair has been very bullish and is now approaching key supply areas where I will be looking to sell short-term, just until price reaches another valid demand level. From there, I plan to buy back up, expecting it to create a new leg to the upside.

If price breaks through the 20-hour supply zone, there's a 16-hour supply zone just above it that looks more promising, as it's in a premium area. With the news events this week looking favorable and few major risks ("red folders"), Monday might see price slow down and form a distribution pattern.

Confluences for EU Sells:

- Price has been very bullish, so a retracement is needed to sustain the upward movement.

- Recent price action has been very parabolic, resulting in unhealthy market behavior.

- There are imbalances and liquidity below that need to be filled.

- The 20-hour supply zone presents a potential opportunity for short trades.

P.S. If price melts from this zone, I'll look for an Asia high sweep followed by my usual setup. I expect price to fill the imbalance below and tap into my demand area.
Beyond Technical AnalysiseurodollareurshortEURUSDeurusdoutlookeurusdpredictioneurusdshortselltobuyshorttradeSupply and DemandTrend Analysis

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