Spitting Thoughts : Option Expiries

By sufiansaid
I am "exposed" with my short trade and I have my stops (beyond entry-level now, so yay) around that massive option expiry at 1.1000! Sometimes these option expiries give a magnetic effect on price. Would price move aggressively 67-70 pips from current market price in less than 5 hours? I don't see risk event for both U.S and Euro to warrant me a believe that could happen. I have been wrong more often than not when it comes to "guessing" where the market would go (and I do not care about that as long as I have more profit when I am right than when I am wrong) so who knows ey..

for my sake (holding a profitable short trade right now https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EURUSD/ZIXcPT0N-Not-after-the-fact-trade-EURUSD/) , I do hope price would not be pulled by this massive option expiry at 1.1000. Get myself popcorn and I will see what the market would give us.
"I don't see risk event for both U.S and Euro to warrant me a believe that could happen."

my goodness.. how wrong am I?!

ECB Draghi will deliver a speech European Systemic Risk Board annual conference, in Frankfurt around 9.30 pm (Singapore/Malaysia time). So now the institutional does have a smokescreen to push the price 60 pips upwards now then (if they want to hit that strike at 1.1000)
EURUSDoptionexpiryroundnumbersTrend Analysis

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