By eldeivit
Is an update of the original idea.. the price EURUSDis "stable" at the last days, but the last was a doji and now is presenting a bear candle, the 1D volume weighted stochastic show a exhaust bull trend. snapshot
The price at heikin Ashi show an undecided action price (a end with doji in hekin is not undecided) and indicators with a overloaded uptrend.snapshot
The plan is OK, but need to revise at 1.05 level
EURUSD an long term speculative idea
el par sigue el camino amarillo, ahora ya con sobreventa es posible un rebote hasta la zona de 1.09s, hay que ver si continua la configuracion del triangulo y continua cayendo despues de rebotar en su "resistencia" diagonal para romper su canal horizontal y seguir callendo al fondo del abismo.

The pair is follow the yellow road, now is showing a oversold scene and is possible see follow the triangle maybe continue falling to the darkness and then broke the horizontal channel. (Or take the way to new highs)


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