Trading Price Action in Volatile Times

Hey Guys!

The world markets are on a wild ride at the moment. With urgent news being released by the day. Traders around the world are trying to guess the next fundamental news to be released and further guess how the markets will react.
The world markets become a huge guessing game arena.... Now, that's fine if that's your cup of tea. The adrenaline rush or even the pure intellectual rush one gets from contemplation(speculation) is exceedingly addictive.

For me however, what happens in the world really is not of consequence to how I trade. Price action trading reads price and simply acts on its messages on a day to day basis. Whether the markets are in the wild west, or if it's peaceful like a calm lake. It's all the same.

Some say that the world of business is all about people. If you understand people, you'll do fine. In trading, its all about price. If you understand how to read price , you'll do fine.

Trading Price Action takes away the stress that comes from a turbulent and constantly changing world by exponentially diminishing the "guessing" aspect of trading. To me, that's a huge merit in terms of my quality of life.

Just a thought! Have a great day guys!


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