By MrRenev
Let's take a walk together, near the ocean floor


Hand in hand you and I
Let's cherish every moment we have been given


Cherish the love we have


We should cherish every bagholder that gets decimated

The collapse of the United States

Has been long coming

George Soros broke the bank of england to warm up before breaking the us central bank

They cannot withstand the assault

Goldman Sachs is all in short and they control all the money in the world

The herd has not even started to sell usd and buy other currencies (incl gold)

All the big (norway, saudi) wealth funds are still holding us stocks and us dollar bags

This hasn't even started yet

Let's take a look at the big noobs at Goldman Sachs.
They recommended NOK.
Scandinavian currencies are not very popular with retail because they're not cheap to day trade and not on all retail brokers and the educators never heard of those currencies.
The 3 currencies are the NOK DKK SEK from the 3 countries up there.




GS has been rather correct, back in March/April Goldman Sachs was saying that it was too early to short sell the usd "the historical rally is not over"

They have a podcast from the 07 June explaining the USD weakness, have only listened to the beginning, I can read or watch a video but just listen to audio zzz.

GS said that the usd already was overvalued before March and then the situation caused it to rally even further, being even more overvalued.
They said the usd had "poor medium-term fundamentals", and the lower yields (that Powell announced would be maintained 2 days ago).

The investment bank in June said it expected the ponzi scheme to lose more than 20% of its valuation in the next years (years?).

They said they expected this usd fall to be the start of a sustained long term downtrend (like eurusd 2014).
They liked the NOK because of a news I posted a while ago, their mega black hole wealth fund said something about bringing money home in krones.

Now I don't know if this is the bank or journalists but they talk about how great the Norwegian lockdown was, and how they saved lives, and oh wow businesses got a stimulus package because that's the same as real wealth creation am I right (real socialism was never tried).
I am afraid of looking for more criticism of Sweden than I already saw, I'd risk hitting my head into a wall.
I bet they will have a hecatomb and "experts" expected Sweden currency to suffer just like Brexit was guarenteed to destroy the UK economy (HAHAHA!)
Oh no the coronavirus will destroy Sweden poor fools. Well, I don't believe in hoaxes and I've been short usdsek for more than 2 weeks.

How I trade this I feel like a scalper. I remember this guy Dan, from the chart guys, he has a youtube channel, back in the crypto vertical days of late 2017/early 2018 he would just spam orders capture little moves here and there.
It's the impression I have because I kept placing orders, I love it. Boom Boom Boom. But I get nice moves not just blips.
I am basically adding to my winner each time I make a new trade short on the usd, I see a good pair do something I buy/sell.
Funny thing is the only pair I've been in all along is the first one I opened which is you know which one it is, it is USDSEK.

I said in old ideas that the swedish currency was great to bet on or against. Must be because all the noobs ignore it, so there are only whales and surfers around, no "ah the rsi is very oversold I will go against the very powerful and obvious trend, and will average down".
This currency has not disappointed me.

I'm so afraid it reverses now, I don't like taking new risks I want to ride it forever. My target is ZERO.

I shorted usdchf when it went to new lows and went parabolic, but that pullback was too much for me I got kicked out :(

No regrets here.

I have regrets on some pairs such as GBPUSD. I trailed too tightly, should really have some breathing space it's stupid to have really tight stops.
Stopped at the very bottom of course :)



I'm really hoping next week the eurusd does something like this:


By the way, remember Elliot Wave principles?


Have still not even bought gold, I tried getting in on a pullback a few weeks ago and then didn't want to chase it so close to ath.
And now it's past ath choppying not interesting. I am only interested in chasing very 1 sided moves, grab a couple of days worth moves.
April was the month of riding Oil to the ground and even more profiting of the historical insane contango, July (and August?) is really the usd to the ground month.
I love it! More of this!

We should cherish the life we live
For as long as the usdollar shall go to zero

Can the us dollar go negative like Oil? Yes. Short the usdollar to -100.
fedfundsratehistoricallowinterestmegatrendpushyourwinnersTrend AnalysisUSD
