I've been waiting for a reaction around the 1.084 levels to see if there was some interest around the area.
Judging by the open of the week, paired with natural behavior of the EUR where it goes one way then reverse a bit into the day, I'm taking this reaction curl as a sign the trend is ready to make a retracement move back to 1.096 or so, which sows a lot of interest, and possible point for a turn back to the down side.
Stopping just below the support, at 1.08. Should we get more than a liquidity reach into the zone, it may want to continue a bit lower, but the natural price levels are in line with the the idea, 1.***40, 1.***60 both seem to be common active levels at each major price area.
Haven't been posting and trading from the phone without a laptop for a short bit. Phone charts, meh, but hopefully it can show what I'm seeing. Just using basic behavior and support/resistance to make the idea, and with general market theory applied with the other aspects make me think this is a high probability overall, but will look to trail, because when it turns, it's going to make a new low again I expect, and it could be possible the trade stops around 1.092 I would think 🤔, but I'll be watching anyway if I'm awake.