Read The Caption! : The difference between winners and Losers

focus is the key ingredient to massive success. LET ME EXPLAIN YOU WHY .

To all those learning to trade the financial markets, you be warned that this game is not what you think it is. Forget about the Lamborghini lifestyle. Most books and courses simply do not paint an accurate picture of the reality of this multi-trillion dollar arena. If the majority are reading the same top-rated books and the same courses, the majority would be successful. However, we clearly see that a small minority seem to have discovered ways of consistent profit extraction. but the problems are not coming from the markets or the mentors. it is most of the time internal problems.

What makes them different?


Those who make it in this business were energy focused; they made a decision to either figure it out or die trying. They have burned the bridges. Victory or death. They are unemotional The key here is 100% energy focus. For example when A laser shines a coherent beam of light and is powerfully focused on a single point. That point will undergo immense heat or pressure. Same applies to learning to trade. It requires all your energy to be put forth on a single objective:

**consistent profit extraction through a calm state of mind**.

Compare this with a light bulb or the sun, which shines its rays outwardly with its energy distributed in all directions. You will barely feel the heat as the energy is unfocused and dissipates accordingly. This applies to those traders who have not given this business everything they have.  They have so many back-up bridges available for retreat. They have a backup plan if it doesn’t work out and their attention is scattered  across different areas. They change of strategy they think there is a holy grail, they blame the market, they blame mentors and They are already preparing mentally for failure. These are the part-timers. They have a Plan B and C and on and on to the last letter of the alphabet. They doubt their decisions and jump from one thing to the next. They are not confident because they change from strategy to another. The energy is dispersed because they want to chase the money . so whatever thing shines they will try to take it. whereas it's a book , an algorithm another course change of strategy etc.... Very simple examples are those who want to make magic things with micro accounts with hope of making few bucks.

Pro traders focus in their own self conviction. They have been through panful years in which by themselves they created an adapted trading system by themselves. Trading for them is a flawless execution based on consistent personal profit extraction through a personal calm state of mind

Make a decision, and instead become focused like the laser beam on what it is that you desire to develop, and you are more likely to achieve your target. Focus is your own observation experience and practice. do not jump from one course to another. Chose one and adapt it to your own profile. Grass is not always green on the other side. It's up to you to take care of the garden
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