
EXPR - Move Incoming

EXPR up over 7% along with popcorn and GS yesterday. Not much - but I will call it a good start.

Check this article if you can seekingalpha.com/article/4500047-express-ecommerce-business-model-could-make-stock-price-spike-up

I don't have an SA account but was able to read it on my trading account app feed a couple of weeks ago. It is from Seeking Alpha and they recently put a $12 price target on EXPR! And while I will agree that EXPR does have a good e-commence model, competing with Amazon is still very difficult. Normally I would say "sell the news", when reading an article like this one, but in this instance (I think) they realize EXPR isn't going down anytime soon and this article is intended to provide cover/validity when EXPR pops again. Based upon the chart I think we are getting close...

And I am not long EXPR based upon news, or the company's earnings or other "fundamentals". I remain long shares and will generally trade the long side calls - because this retailer (along with many others) was heavily shorted before and during the pandemic, and those positions remain largely uncovered IMO. Based upon the OBV and overall chart dynamics, my take is many other traders feel the same way. Cheers.
