Recently I've become more fond of buying and holding long term. Trading still seems enticing to me. Having Robinhood on my phone is like my version of FlappyBird.
So I bought back into Facebook at $193.33 3 days ago, sold this afternoon at $197.44. I'll take that 2.5% profit. I don't even mind panic buying back in at $200. Because long term this baby is bound to add to your wealth. Instagram's got IGTV, aiming to compete with the likes of YouTube. Now I don't know if the product will take away from YouTube's bottom line but it will most likely keep users engaged on Instagram just that much longer.
Oh by the way, Facebook is expected to report a pretty decent quarter. Question: will they ever offer dividends? I would love Facebook dividends. Anyway, I'm long term on these guys. Like 10 years long term on these bad boys. Gonna HODL.