The Importance of understanding Internal Energy of the Market

By aw360q
Major world events & KL Composite Index over 44 years.

Major world events such as

Black Monday : Aug-Dec 1987
US Recession : Aug-Sept 1990
Mexican Financial Crisis : Jan 1994-Jan 1995
Asian Financial Crisis : Feb 1997 – Sept 1998
Dotcom Bubble : Feb 2000 – Apr 2001
Sept 11, 2001
SARS : Apr 2002 – Mar 2003
Global Financial Crisis : Jan 2008 – Oct 2008
European Debt Crisis : Jul – Sept 2011 –
Oil Glut : Oct – Dec 2014
COVID : 2020-2022
Ukraine Crisis : 2022

The major world events as shown in vertical blue columns.

What is of significance is that the occurrences of these major world events are in the golden uptrend channel.

What is the implication?

In my video training course "Buy Low Sell High", I explain that market system has its internal strength and weaknesses and its own "healing energy" to make correction to these negative events and still move forward.

It is like our own human system with its built in immune system that is designed to overcome major diseases.

Hence it is important to study and analyze the Internal Energy of the market system and not be derailed by overlly focus on events.

Beyond Technical AnalysiseventsindexphilosophytrendTrend Analysis
