The Gold Method Ichimoku Weekly review

By AGold54
This was our third week in the Training room for The Gold Method Ichimoku.
I need to thank everybody who participated, stayed late and put in the extra work. You guys/girls were awesome, and I look forward to continuing our relationship, so you achieve your goal of becoming Professional traders.
Here are the quick Stats for our 4 days together:
2 winning trades
2 losing trades
1 flat trade
Pips won: 66.6
Pips Lost: -52.3
Here is a day by day breakdown:
Monday: We had a Type 1 trade set-up in GBPAUD which unfortunately did not work out. We then got a SMA trade, which did work in our favor and ended the day with a +.40% gain
Tuesday: We did not meet.
Wednesday: We took a GBPCAD Breakout trade that failed for -25.3. pips.
Thursday: We took a GBPAUD Type 1 breakout which all of traders in the room, myself included, netted between 28 and 33 Pips.
Friday: We took a Type 1 Bo trade on GBPCAD which challenged, but did not hit, our stoploss twice. The trade was closed in the room for a small gain but had decent pip potential if we stayed in.
For the week, since I risk 2% per trade, I ended the week with a 1.3% gain. Certainly not the most productive weeks in percentage gain but I think everybody in the room learned a tremendous amount that will yield benefits in the future.
Allen Gold

If you are interested in a complimentary 2 days in my training room, please message me and provide your e-mail
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