V formation held which was confirmed by the consolidation after wards. Just created a higher high that is now being rejected which means our test 1 is officially in progress. Chose to enter now as if the first test ends up being lower than this huge probe I would not get a good price to sell so selling now with a stop loss larger than id like but at least I will be able to scale out easier if it goes against me. After test 1 and test 2 (2nd test will most likely be lower than this test) we should definitely see a reach of the recent lows, if not, can always exit sooner
No idea how to update the image but I am concerned about the mini demand area around 134.380. Stops have been moved down slightly to reduce overall risk but still in position!
Trade closed manually
Trade closed at risk reward of 1.4 as although I would like to chase the higher risk reward trades, I want to build my consistency of hitting between a 1:1 and 1:1.5 so that I can begin scaling in and using slightly larger positions. The mini demand also made me scared, and seeing profits made me greedy to just escape the trade which I should begin fixing but for now I just want consistency although I shall check back in on the trade in a few hours to do post-analysis to see what I did wrong and what I did right
Trend Analysis
