GBP-JPY Updated with Fib levels

By dewpoint
Looking at this from the low at 124.786 to swing high at 148.459 and then using a standard 50% Fib retracement at 136.613, fits in with the current support level at 136.453.

We have 5 straight days with green candles then this is looking good for my new updated target to reach the 1.236 fib level at 151.275 which also would fill the gap.

I'm currently long.
Trade closed manually
closed out the long at the 143.300 and currently short, may see this going to a far bit before it goes back up.
should iy break through the 142 level then long back in play, but for now a break below the 140.40 then it's looks like down we go into the 136, see new chart just posted.
