GBPJPY Short With 5-to-1 Reward!

By FollowMyForex
A short signal just triggered on the GBPJPY. Our swing trading system will target a 5-to-1 reward for the risk taken with this trade! These sort of setups don't happen too often but when they do they make all the difference between a profitable and money-rolling-in trading month.

We will be taking 50% profits at the first target area as illustrated on the chart and then ride the last 50% of the position out, going along with the momentum from the current and all higher timeframes.

Updates to follow. Protect your capital and be safe!
The GBPJPY pair has been good to us over the last few weeks as we traded it down all the way to current price levels. With this setup, it signals that we might be in for yet another drop. Either way, play it safe, protect your capital and let's end this trade in the green! ;)
Trade closed: stop reached
Got stopped out after a lot of sideways grind. Just another day at the office, make sure that getting stopped out don't affect you in a bad way. Always risk a small enough amount that no one loss has any effect an your future trading. On to the next!
breakevenGBPJPYmoneymanagementprofitsrewardriskriskrewardswingtradingswingtradingsystemTrend Analysis
