Live Trading Session 210: How to place your targets

In this live trading session video, we are analysing the basis for our 2 short trade positions on GBPUSD. We look at why we placed our target very near to entry on 1 position and much
further on the 2nd trade position.
Trade active
No further trail.
Trailing stop remains at 1.2429
Trade closed: stop reached
With the USD retail annoucement news released, we got stopped out at 1.2429.

Overall positions summary on GBPUSD:
1st position: ÂŁ102
2nd position: -ÂŁ138
Net P/L: -ÂŁ36

Remember your edge and keep executing consistently according to your trading plan for your edge to be realized.
Candlestick AnalysisEconomic CycleslivetradingMultiple Time Frame Analysisopenequityopeningrangebreakoutpriceactionsmartmoneyindicatorstretchtimeframecorrelation

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