The reason so many people are attracted to trading is because of how it is portrayed on social media. I’m not here to Bullsh#t you, I am only here to deliver pure facts and that is how YOU WILL LEARN.
Firstly, the most us were attracted to trading because of how simple it seemed to actually make money, until we started trading and realised that it wasn’t that simple.. And this may be the stage you are currently at so let me clarify a few things that will hopefully help you in your trading journey.
Your trading account is YOUR business, treat it like one it is not quick money! A business goes through stages of a life cycle, and these are the stages you must go through too before you figure it out:

1. Development / Seed stage
2. Start up
3. Growth / Survival stage – Your most crucial stage
4. Expansion / Rapid growth stage
5. Maturity stage
6. Decline – The moment you stop learning and think you have it figured it out, is the moment you will decline.
Trading is process that may take you 1 year to master If you have the right mentor or even up to 5 years to master if you don’t. But it is a process, you will take losses through the process but that is necessary for success. You have to trust the process and FALL IN LOVE with it.
If you are trading for the sole purpose of making money then you approach is wrong. I trade because it is my passion, it gives me the opportunity to figure out the ‘uncertainty’ and to empower others. The profits are the end result of obeying your trading rules/plan and obeying the unspoken rules of the market.

1. Trading is a PROCESS, stick with it, be consistent and it will pay off.
2. Find a mentor who has YOUR best interests before theirs.
3. Your trading account is your business, approach is as one. Businesses take years to reach the maturity level so make the same mental shift
4. Focus on the bigger picture, money is an end result. It happens after the fact, after you’ve taken and closed a trade.

I will be doing analysis on GBPUSD, some potential big moves to come.. Follow us to get notified.

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