This is just a revision of a previous idea. Same concept. There are certain similarities in chart patterns and behavior leading up to a runup in price. If you don't know what happened on 2/24/21, you should go look.
Meaningless thoughts:
One could say that these patterns also exist in other portions of the cycle - if you squint real hard, you can see this actually happens multiple times in a row each cycle, starting steeply down overall, and eventually leveling out into something like a double-bottom. That's the one thing that is not in a hodlers favor this cycle: no double bottom, yet.
but....(pun intended)
this is qualitatively the worst down cycle since January 2021. Depending on your perspective, one could argue no double bottom in February, either.......
I wouldn't be surprised if GME dropped to $40, at some point.
I wouldn't be surprised if it made a detour to $150 first.
I also wouldn't be surprised if it didn't.
I WOULD be surprised if it hit $40, and never came back. (not counting for splits, apocalypse, etc.)
Keep your finger on the trigger.