As usual, this is not financial advice. Do you own due diligence. This is just what I see forming.

An ABC correction is forming that, if it proceeds to develop as I see, will constitute the first leg of a Motive Wave.

This correction will need to break through the descending resistance (blue) and add 100% of the A-leg. This will form the 1-leg peak (~$252). If it does that and rejects the (now) descending support as a 50% retracement (~$199) retest, that retracement coincides with the 618-level which sets GME up for a textbook Elliott Motive Wave.


As this is developing on the DAILY, do not expect this to happen overnight. However, that retest 618 retracement still needs to exceed the 1-leg peak to provide confirmation.

The cautious take: wait until the price closes above the 1-leg peak before entering.

The conservative take: wait for TWO closes above.

The aggressive take: enter after the bounce BUT above the A-leg peak ($231.44). Importantly, you should expect a quick pullback before advancing again (see ME.)

ME: Already committed, I'm looking for a 123-wave stopping short of the 1-leg peak. I'm looking for ANOTHER 618-level retracement owing to the fractal nature of Elliott Waves. That would set up a sub-wave to map out the entire 3-leg.

I'm very, VERY excited about this development. **IF** everything progresses according to theory, we could be looking at a $370+ for the 3-leg peak and a $480-ish for the 5-leg. (My money's on $460-ish.)

The Euphoric take: Is this it? The MOAM (Mother of all Motives)? The MOASS? I dunno, but given what's happened in the past during run-ups ... Hoooooooooo-boy, I'm not gonna risk missing this rollercoaster.

SideNote: If this is the squeeze, we will likely see an extension of the 3 & 5 legs. What does this mean? It's the 3-phase runup. What does it look like? See what you can expect with my SHIBUSD chart.

Trade smart. Trade Safe. PROFIT!
apearmyElliott WaveFibonaccimoassmotivewavesSupply and Demandthesqueeze

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