Wrapping my head around this...

Any company that has most locations in "defund the police" towns is an automatic sell.

They might replace their police by something else, they are ultra emotional maybe they'll calm down and not go all the way.

If this goes throught and law enforcement is greatly reduced... RIP.

Trump own son is saying that kneeling to the mob doesn't save you and makes things worse, while dad keeps licking boots and speaking of how he did great things for blacks, doesn't he get you cannot reason with tards. Let them all in USO & Bitcoin, don't try to talk them out of it, and laugh when they get rekt. Same concept.

Racists right now are salivating, and eager to go on rodeos. THEN yes blacks will be opressed and hunted down and everything.
Not sure how democrats brain works but if the black population drops from 13% to 5% because they all get killed, that's their beloved votes at any price gone.

Keep in mind a huge number of blacks are already getting killed and no one cares. They care when it's at the hands (or knee) of a white cop and there is an emotional video showing it...
The herd is subhuman trash. Brainlets. Dumb money. Sheep.

You know... the thing!
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