The Cantillon Effect or how the rich steal the poor

By MrRenev
The USA have reached the next level of Ultra capitalism: Trump is about to enact a new order to push exploitation to the next level.
Workers that produce 100% of their objectives will be paid 100% of their wage, if they produce more they'd get into trouble but it is unclear how, and for each 10% over production they would get paid increasingly higher rates.
This has gone too far. The greed for profit has gone much too ... wait what? Oh excuse me this was the communist soviet union wageslavery system, not free market capitalism my bad.
Someone make a youtube video asking socialist students what they think of this system without telling them where it is from, or telling them it is from Trump. It will go viral.

There are 2 majors ways in my eyes how wealth inequality increases in general (other than extreme ways like straight up robbing a population such as Versailles Treaty):

1- With Urbanisation, but I didn't look into it that much

2- With money printing via the Cantillon Effect

What is the Cantillon Effect?

Richard Cantillon was an economist of the early 18th century (born 1680s – died May 1734) who wrote "Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en Général" (Essay on the Nature of Trade in General) which some people consider to be the cradle of modern political economy.

Something I really like about this man is he speculated on the Mississipi bubble early on (he even helped create the company), he acquire enormous wealth from it, rekting the suckers that bought later on, and until his death, unraged bagholders chased him with lawsuits & even murder attempts 😂
Probably what the future holds for crypto bagholders. Sure they're angry at me now for trying to warn them, and are still listening to "bul market is back" calls but wait a couple more years till they understand they lost their money for good and hunt down the crypto shills.

I didn't know there was a term for this and it was publicly known for so long, until very recently.


And yes, Karl Marx and the communists fought for the establishment of central banks! Talk about shooting yourself in the feet.
People that do not understand why they are angry always defend Karl Marx. He is undeniably wrong here. They'd still argue. Their loss!

I find it stunning that economy & finance are never taught at school, at all.
I find it stunning that for so long the left has been making populists campaigns advocating for higher taxes on the rich and "free stuff".
I find it stunning that for so long the issue has not been solved and never has been mentionned by the left that is "for equality".
I find it stunning that the politicians that advocate equality are all pro a centralized monetary system.
I dislike Bitcoin, but apart for libertarians who is in defense of crypto? Republicans and democrats both dislike crypto except a central bank run one 😉



"Let's steal from the poor to give to the rich then steal from the rich to give to the poor"
The only winner is the government that does all the stealing and has the power to distribute it as it wishes, and takes a hefty cut each time.

The population is so ignorant I watched interviews of people advocating for very high taxes sometimes (to pay to turn them into wageslaves and waste years of their lives at school among others) and when they are told "hey but you know the vast majority of wealth gained by the rich comes from asset appreciation, Jeff Bezos did not earn 150 billion in wages, this fortune comes from his company appreciating" they are surprised! 😆
And then of course they call for taxing this wealth, how? No one knows.
The only way is to nationalise it all, which works great because as we know Russia and satellite countries came up with all those big tech companies and they now dominate the world, while the USA are a third world poor country with 0 influence and a very weak military.
Today Russia runs the world, and the USA are only a wasteland of no importance. Russian men order american mail brides every day.

The real causes for the population anger is right here, in front of us, in from of the angry people. Takes 5 lines to explain. And yet...

Governments are fighting for more centralization, and they have big support from a population that is addicted to shooting itself in the leg.

With the internet and how jobs are computer jobs today, and alot of people found out they could work from home, I expect in the long term - already said this I know I'm repeating myself I'll keep it short - more decentralization but not complete, something hybrid like with youtube: a central platform, with channels ran by (free in theory) individuals. Uber is an example, not really a great success but it's the way forward.

More people can leave urban areas. More people can be in franchises or be freelance.

The herd of 18-25 are calling for socialism, and alot of adults that should know better, and when told they don't need the government they are perfectly capable (well at least 80% of them, and when they grow up a little) of surviving on their own, they get enraged and call you a dirty capitalist and far right Trump supporter.

Maybe the libertarian party in the USA will become a real party one day...

Even if in the short term dum dums win and the USA have socialism, it will fail rapidely (faster than Venezuela imo) the result would be somewhere between very bad and horrific, and then decentralization, a new system that is neither capitalism or socialism, should progressively develop.

Can't be sure in the USA but in the world in general for sure that's the direction it will go. Less wageslavery, more businesses.

Hopefully we get rid of central banks in their current states.

Things were much fairer back in the days... People all think (thanks school brainwashing, thanks to all the nonsense they teach) that in middle ages and the era between middle ages and the modern era (age of discoveries/mercantilism) life was hell on earth, a tiny minority owned everything. Oh sure, and people never revolted because they were so broken? When rulers tried to place extremely high taxes they were veyr violent revolts. They tried really high taxes, something like taxes as extreme as 20%, what is this? This is considered ridiculously low today? They won...

There is a game, Kingdom Come: Delivrance, alot of people heard of it. I looked up Radzig Kobyla which is a main character, he live in Czech centuries ago, Racek Kobyla of Dvorce, he died in 1416. It's 600 years old. Back when wealth equality was highest on my chart ranging 1300-2000s. He was a landowner, and some sort of noble, i think he became a noble from his deeds or something, I don't know if he started at the very bottom or what but I know he climbed the ranks, and the way he died was killed in a tavern by angry miners over some religious views, after he'd been sent by the king to collect taxes (maybe that's the true reason HA!).
MINERS. They killed a noble and his entourange in a tavern.

"They seized them in the inn where they were staying, cut their bodies into pieces and threw them out onto the street, where the mob vigorously stomped on their remains and then went in merry song to the home of the preacher to be praised for the act they had been encouraged to commit."

Ye, I think if inequality was that high and conditions that bad the population would revolt.
I'm sure lots of histories of peasants & mine workers at the bottom murdering nobles over gambling debt can be found out there.

Extreme wealth inequality of the early 20th century was the worst it has ever been.
And the early 20th century is when we had the worse and the bloodiest wars and popular uprisings.
Soviet revolutions, China revolutions and massacres, WW1, WW2, gaz chambers, etc.
Come on, does anyone REALLY think those wars happened by chance? LOL!

Edit: I have to add 1 thing: The 50 to 60% distribution on the left was achieved without taxes, the 60% on the right counts extreme taxes on every one in particular the highest earners.
What must also be considered is the black death 1346 – 1353 that made every one alive wealthier, but looking at the chart it didn't make a big difference in % distribution, maybe it is the reason for the very small peak in 1400-1450.
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