What is Intvesting, how to? How to invest in gold?

Interesting era. Everyone is just jumping into investing.
With brokers advertising how easy it is "just send a couple hundreds and get started right away", day trading instructors, central banks & regulators doing everything in their power so absentee afk passive investors that just randomly throw money at broad indexes do not lose money.
Anything but that!

Well that's not how it is supposed to be and the US are now experiencing a communist uprising so well done here.
The world is moving towards a new world order and the infinite free money bubble will end. Lazy bums born into wealth are going down.

Nothing is priced correctly, the rich get richer just because of how the system is built, and it is worse in the usa where they print money for the rich and export some of the inflation, of course all these blm & antifa clowns are too stupid to figure that one out but this is the reason why they are so angry.

Investors are supposed to add value and make their money via superior intuition and knowledge, they use their above average foresight and understanding of whatever they trade to allocate capital correctly.

The only day traders that make money are those that access to level 2 market data and what they do is front run participants, this does not make as much money.
I irritates me seing clueless people talk about FX & Futures day trading. This is not stocks. The markets are not open 8 hours a day what's wrong with you?

So there are 2 types (not counting all the ones that lose money):
-> Day traders that are like little aphids living on plants, tiny little parasites that cannot make lots of money
-> Passive investors that pat themselves on the back for buying random indexes or property, they're like big gross worm parasites that live in intestines

These passive investors are like renters of the 19th century that got very wealthy doing nothing, and gave Karl Marx & Engels their wonderful ideas.

So. The paradigm is changing, new world order, great reset, everything. Unlike anything we experienced in our lifetimes.
People should start getting used to NOT making money doing nothing, this paradigm is over. If crooked politicians try bailing out the banks with taxpayers money they'll get decapitated. It is possible the angry mobs even manage to figure out they do it indirectly, but even if they don't the party is over anyway it will all collapse like Zimbabwe.

George Soros which is one of the earliest macro/forex traders and the best performing one to this day, said that investors and speculators were the same, investors make money by finding cheap businesses or fair priced, that they believe will do well in the future, and if they are right they make a return for correctly speculating.

There is no "long term" trick. "Historically always go up". No. These people will learn a harsh lesson. Trying to find tricks to be lazy and cheat their way into wealth pssst.
Sure if you sacrifice your money today, place it somewhere rather than enjoy it, you should get something in return, but not 13% compounded a year.

I'm not going to make a whole investing guide nor a general introduction here, but let's look at the case of gold: what are the different approaches?

1- Wealth preservation


2- "Investing" long term speculation looking for 3k, 5k, or more


3- Trying to catch short term rallies inside of the bull market

This is what I do. Very short term I would say even. 2 weeks ago I even had several operations with gold where I stayed in only a few hours, I remember one of them I entered during the late afternoon and got out at 3 am.

"Why only take small bits if you see a big bull market rather than try to get all of it"
Idk I'm impatient. And more importantly I'm good at it, and some of these crazy moves are just so unidirectional you get both a high probability of success AND big risk to reward ratios.







I'm still (bag)holding my first speculative trade, you'll never guess what it is xd

4- Get rich quick

==> Either a delusional gambler or the greatest investor of all time
Enjoy losing everything

Ok that's enough. Either way, one should do their research (this means more than 30 minutes of watching youtube) and have a plan.

Silver is greatly outperforming gold now, I love it

Just so much stronger! I called it in my 07 August update in the idea below ("I would buy some silver on the pullback. Expecting gold to slow down and silver to go fast now.")
This is why I am very active and operate on short time frames. I'm rather bullish on metals compared to fiat in the long term but I am not going to predict targets, or which metal will go up most in the next years, but I will predict what will happen in the next days with good accuracy. And I'm too impatient with a atrophied attention span to look at years anyway. I have my big doubts on accurate long term prediction, with all the chaos that adds up over time.

Gold leading the rally
GoldSilvertradingTrend Analysistrendfollowing

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