Alphabet Inc. (GOOG) bullish scenario:

The technical figure Triangle can be found in the US company Alphabet Inc. (GOOG) at daily chart. Alphabet Inc. is an American multinational technology conglomerate holding company. It was created through a restructuring of Google on October 2, 2015, and became the parent company of Google and several former Google subsidiaries. It is one of the Big Five American information technology companies, alongside Amazon, Apple, Meta and Microsoft. The Triangle has broken through the resistance line on 10/03/2022, if the price holds above this level you can have a possible bullish price movement with a forecast for the next 8 days towards 2 815.67 USD. Your stop loss order according to experts should be placed at 2 517.22 USD if you decide to enter this position.

Google is in talks to buy cybersecurity consultancy Mandiant, which two years ago discovered the infamous SolarWinds hack, according to a person with knowledge of the discussion. A deal could bolster Google’s cloud computing business, which generates more than $19 billion annually but has been losing billions of dollars a year, and help it compete with bigger rival Microsoft, which also is reportedly interested in buying Mandiant.

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