By NaughtyPines
As anybody who has read my posts probably knows, I am not a big fan of earnings plays. As I have pointed out, they either go great (instant gratification) or terribly (several cycles of rolls to mitigate loss that tie up buying power). Me, I'm a bread-and-butter guy with a penchant for mechanical index ETF and TLT trades that supply a fairly constant level of theta (and so theta decay). They're awfully boring, but I don't require exciting to be successful.

Consequently, I'm going to go with "boring" and passing on AMZN and GOOG earnings. Both of these juicy monsters could easily move the markets (depending on the outcome of earnings), and I simply want to keep my powder dry in the event of a volatility pop in the broader indices so that I can devote the buying power to putting on an index ETF play or two instead without risking the tie-up of buying power that an earnings play could entail.

That being said, if you're going to play these, look to put on an earnings play some time tomorrow during the NY session. Due to the price of the underlying, the only way I would probably play these is via iron condor, so look to put on the short strikes of the setups at or near the 1 SD line, with your long strikes 2-3 strikes out from the shorts and take them off at 50% max profit.

Naturally, both of these remain troublingly near their 52-week highs, so you might think about skewing the setups slightly bearish or making the setups "chicken wide" (wider than the 1 SD line) to avoid potential explosions/implosions that are far greater than the expected move. Good luck!
AMZNEarningsGoogle (Alphabet)ironcondorVIX CBOE Volatility IndexVXX
