HCP runs to earnings on March 4th LONG

By AwesomeAvani
HCP is a computer infrastructure company. The December earnings were a 160% beat. Given the

quicky evolving AI supertrend, the earnings might be expected to be another big beat. However,

that could be baked into the price. However, the explosive volatility of the last trading session

say otherwise. I will take a long trade here and chase this stock. I see it as pulling out of a

pullback and continuing on higher time frames.
Trade active
HCP moving 7% in the premarket and not fading so I expect more of the same
at the open. snapshot
Price moved over 7% in the premarket appears ready for bullish momentum in
the regular session. snapshot
Trade active
HCP pumped 10% in the premarket but now sideways- will look for an afternoon
fade to add to the position snapshot
Trade active
This was fast and furious took off half the position with a huge gain on both shares and call options; waiting for the afternoon fade to add back half of the profits for
the continuation. snapshot
Trade active
No fade this afternoon so will it retrace after-hours and into the premarket or will it rest and so sideways until the opening bell? A good question. snapshot
