#Heromoto 4th time tested 4950, above 4955 fatega kya?

By ssudhirsharma11
Heromoto since Feb'24 4th time has tested the fib resistance of 4954.A day close above 4954 can take this stock towards 1) 510 2)5177 3)5329 4)5473, below 4632 will be exit for me. Since my indicator is also not giving any negative signs, I have high hopes from this setup. Only thing is weakness in overall market can affect it. Lets see
Trade active
Trade active
T1 ACHIEVED, T2 5177 MISSED by 13 points
Trade closed: target reached
All upside targets achieved, hope someone has reaped the benefit of the analysis. I just need blessings :).
futurestradingheromotocorplongsetupoptionstradingswingtradingTrend Analysis
