[HK50 Short] 8 June, 2021 - Roger V Trading Ideas

HK50 [Sell/ Short]
Entry Resistance level idea:
Range between 30250 to 30800 Resistance

TP Support level idea:
1st aim: 29000
Final aim: 26720

Final SL for all Short positions:
31315 Resistance Level

RVTA trading ideas on HK50, looking at the monthly chart, we can see multiple candlestick has formed in a consolidation queue. This shows that in the long term trend, if it get resisted in between 30250 to 30800 resistance level, the main direction for HK50 will go in a bearish trend over at least 3-6 months time from the date 8/6/2021 writing this trading idea.

However, if it was to break the final SL of RVTA trading ideas of 31315 resistance. As per RVTA strategy secrets, it will inversely default look long position for HK50. (Please beware of fake breakouts.)

(Note: The forecast above is an estimation of the resistance/ support level for the entry, TP, and SL. For more precise positions will depend on the shape formed with the candlestick at the time.)
Disclaimer: ALuoTradingJournal does not provide any personal advice or general advice. This is only a journal to keep ALuo in noting the trades and what the market is going on as a trading journal. ALuo will not take any responsibility for any profits or losses. Please trade at your own risk.
So far so good.
hangsenghangsengindexhk50rvtastrategytradingTrend Analysis

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