By XinLiarBaby
In nearly a year, this coin has grown up almost 30 times, I think it's time to bring it back to the ground.

A few signs indicate that the bullish momentum and the volume of this coin are decreasing.

Price action in a sensitive price zone between $ 28-34.5 can tell us what to do.

I set up a sell order at $ 32 to test my point and waiting for my profit, or if wrong I will stop loss at 35 $.

Above is my personal opinion, I do not encourage anyone to follow suit, please manage your money, Good luck!

Xin Liar
Trade closed: stop reached
Trade active
The price broke the resistance level of the bull channel and caused the stop loss to trigger.
However, the long shadow of 1H candle entered the price channel saying that everything is fine.

I will try to place the short again.
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