
Has this endless downtrend found its bottom?

By HAL9000
Inexpensive stock (P/BV=0.75) bullish consensus (BUY) and 25% target upside.
Has found a gently up-sloping channel since Feb 2016.
Currently trading at the bottom of channel.
Shows technical signs of turnaround.
Has rebounded less than the market.
Seems to have found a floor at $28.

Buy at the market.
Target 34.50/share.
Stop-loss 28.00/share.
Reward/Risk = 2x

Buy Dec 16 2016 $31 call = 0.55/share
Sell Dec 16 2016 $27 put = 0.60/share
Credit = 0.05/share
Worst-case: Go long at the low of the up-channel and 8% above the 52w low
(indicative prices, ref. last close)

Trade active
Those who went for the options strategy can:
- Let the put expire worthless and pocket 0.60/share
- Sell the call at an indicative 1.10/share
- Make a total of 1.15/share (c. 3.5% yield)
Slight stock price erosion in the past couple of days probably due to profit taking post publication of monthly assets showing outflows of 2.8bn (-0.39%). Does not change the LONG scenario on this name.
LM Has been consolidating at our first stop level in below-average volume post publication of disappointing AUM figures (0.39% outflow). KEEP HOLDING while awaiting earnings on Jan 27.
Trade active
We are still channel-bound and above the $28 stop-loss. One major broker/asset manager last week signaled record inflows into the market during Dec, which should bode well for all asset managers including LM.

Keep position and sell puts expiring on Feb 17, 2017 with a $28 strike to bring in 0.55/share in premia (11.11% annualized).

More aggressive traders can sell the same maturity (Feb17) put with a $29 strike, cashing in 0.80/share (16.16% annualized).
LM Just released AUM numbers for December. As expected, every single line (Equities, Fixed income, Alternatives, etc.) shows improvement from the previous month (total AUMs 710.4bn vs. 707.3bn). This is in line with our scenario of improving market conditions and flows.

We have been expecting such news flow to progressively prop the shares, as it weighed down on the shares the previous month. Expect LM to trade higher today, with shares already indicated slightly up.

The upcoming earnings release and guidance towards the end of the month should provide the next leg up. Any share weakness today should be bought into. Current holders should KEEP HOLDING.
The stock has been pushing towards the top of its current range, in above average volume. This is a good sign ahead of earnings on Feb 1st. Brace for competitor earnings release tomorrow. This should give us further insight into how the asset management industry is doing. Expect a continuation of the positive news flow. Current holders of LM please KEEP HOLDING.
Earnings released. Headlines suggesting AUMs have been falling, hence initial negative reaction. In reality, while the QoQ AUMs are down, sequential MoM AUMs are UP. Stock reaction muted in regard to nearly +6% yesterday. We are a few % away from significant 34.50 resistance, hence the hesitation in the stock. This is a 2017 story - KEEP HOLDING.
Trade closed: target reached
Our target has been exceeded at the close of Friday. Closing this thread and opening a new one with an updated graph. Current owners should stay long. New money should come in progressively, and as long we stay above the current breakout level of 34.75/Share.
0-COSToptionsParallel Channelrebound
