LTCBTC Gigaflip Incoming

The LTCBTC pair has bottomed out or is close to bottoming out. When the monthly MACD flips, it will induce an LTCBTC Gigaflip. Given behavior in coins like DOGE/BTC showing more strength than ever before, I think LTC may reach a new ATH on the BTC pair as well. Moreover, LTC is available through Grayscale for extra pump potential.

Disclaimer: I don't care at all about Litecoin as a coin. Nothing they can add to it makes it better than a million other coins out there. That being said, a privacy upgrade (mimblewimble) is scheduled for end of Q1, somewhere in Q2 max. Could add to the pumpening but could also delay the starting point until we have confirmation it's making it's way to mainnet.
Happy to see it turning out as expected. The LTCBTC Gigaflip has officially begun.

Please fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride.

I was off by two months here. Last time was another fakeout but now we've cleared the bottom and made room to liftoff. The LTC BTC gigaflip has truly arrived.

