BLUF: CTA's Long, Option dealers long S&P 500 convexity (FookinGamma) then short, Buy Da DIP, HF's Rebalancing (Huge VOL Spike Today ivo 1130 250K SP Contracts...more coming), FEB OPEX (Covering/Rolling)...WTF!
Word of the Day goes too.....Michael @profplum99
Asness said. “We’ve seen this movie before a few times and we know how, but definitely not when, it ends.” Uhh... no, you haven't and no you don't. One Smartypants rightly correcting another smartypants...LOL! None of us are as smart as we think we are...TBD!
Note: Some are saying several more weeks before KungFluVirus starts to downgrade globally then 10 YR Yields will go back up w/Equities in tow, I don't buy it...this is the BondKings telling the FED lower rates or we will force your hand, oh yea and that "Rising FookinUSD"
There is an "INFLECTION POINT" coming...Situational Awareness, BS Meter is pegged, Spidey-Senses ready for the pivot!
Find-Fix-Finish...see you @ Happy Hour...Cheers! "Have a Plan Folks"!